I had a little window of clear sky last night, and I decided to do some EAA. First things first, I wanted to take a little data of the Moon. It became a whole thing when I must have had a setting incorrect in Sharpcap, and I could not get the data to debayer properly. I was able to recover by debayering in Siril with a particular data read setting and saving to a new three-channel sequence. Then I stacked the best 25% of 500 frames in Autostakkert, which seems to do a much better job at lunar than Siril. Finally, I was able to do some deconvolution and other processing in PixInsight to really bring it to life.
After all of this, I realized that the moon was partially obscured by some trees when I was taking the data. The bottom of the image is much duller and more blurry than the top. Oh well!