As usual, the sky is so nice and clear once the moon is out. I was doing a little EAA and decided to take some data on the moon. While messing around with planetary imaging this summer, I had discovered the RestorationFilter within PixInsight. It works wonders, but the tricky… Continue Reading... "Full moon, with a trick!"
An obscured Moon
I had a little window of clear sky last night, and I decided to do some EAA. First things first, I wanted to take a little data of the Moon. It became a whole thing when I must have had a setting incorrect in Sharpcap, and I could not get… Continue Reading... "An obscured Moon"
Mineral Moon
Here is a quick capture of 100 frames of the Moon. I enhanced the color to show the varying minerals on the surface. The brown areas are richer in iron, while the blue areas contain more titanium. The colors are greatly enhanced from their natural look. I also added dynamic… Continue Reading... "Mineral Moon"
Saturated Moon
The moon was out in full force and was really ruining some data on a current project. So I made lemonade by taking the best 20 of 100 images of it. I decided to go a little crazy with the color, sharpening, and contrast, as a treat. Continue Reading... "Saturated Moon"
44% Moon
I’m getting a little better at focusing within SharpCap, and I kinda like the seeing monitor in it to only capture the better frames. I then stacked the best 20 out of 100. Continue Reading... "44% Moon"
Luna in narrowband
I was too lazy to take off my Baader UHC filter, but I wanted to snap the moon, anyways. Continue Reading... "Luna in narrowband"