April Fool’s Moon
Well, the joke was on me. What was forecast to be clear skies didn’t really clear until midnight. It was also one of those nights were nothing was going to work smoothly. So while waiting for clear skies, I took 40 frames of the 60% moon. Continue Reading... "April Fool’s Moon"
96% Moon
My focusing has definitely improved with my ZWO EAF focus motor, and I’m trying out NINA tonight. The focusing routine in it is definitely much better than in APT. A little deconvolution and some wavelet manipulation created a decently sharp image! For fun, I cranked up the saturation and applied… Continue Reading... "96% Moon"
Upgrading that full moon
I was looking at my old moon photo, and noticed just how out of focus it was. I started with an aggressive deconvolution, as the original was super out of focus. I finished with a little local contrast enhancement. It looks a little unnatural now, but you sure can see… Continue Reading... "Upgrading that full moon"
A shot of the moon from the Cabin at Salt Creek Pond.
We did finally get one clear night out during our man weekend in Amish country. Here’s a single snap of the moon tightened up just a bit with wavelets. Continue Reading... "A shot of the moon from the Cabin at Salt Creek Pond."
Processing the super moon again
Knowing a little bit more about stacking now, and also having discovered that great G’Mic plugin called “wavelet sharpen,” I tried to clean up my bad super moon pictures from earlier this winter. Here’s the old picture: And here it is stacked a little better and sharpened with wavelets: It… Continue Reading... "Processing the super moon again"
A little better moon sliver
I’m still having some trouble photographing the moon. I’ve fought with being unable to achieve a truly sharp focus, and sometimes having double images present. After flocking the inside of my telescope and being a bit more patient with taking a picture after moving the telescope, I think the double… Continue Reading... "A little better moon sliver"
“Super” moon
Two days ago, we had a “super” moon. It was so bright, I could barely even look at it through the telescope with both a moon filter and light pollution filter in. The camera loved it, however. ISO at 100, shutter at 1/50. The false red color is due to… Continue Reading... "“Super” moon"
First shots of the moon
The first night I was able to use the telescope, the moon was mostly full. Of course, I had to photograph it a bit to test everything out. My focusing skills are undoubtedly poor, but I managed a few decent shots that I was able to stack together. Continue Reading... "First shots of the moon"